Reflector News

Beth-El Happenings

By Ramona L. Brand, Director of Youth Learning

The Mixed Multitudes of the Jewish People

The Passover story tells us that when the Israelites left Egypt a “mixed multitude went up with them.” (Exodus 12:28) We don’t know exactly who that mixed multitude was then, but we sure know that we are a mixed multitude now!

The global Jewish Family is diverse with varied customs. Why not expand your Passover horizons to include some of the following beautiful practices to enliven your Seder. Elijah does not have to be the only Seder guest traveling the globe for Peseach!

Visit these web sites to learn more about these international Jewish Seder Customs:

April Religious School Calendar:

Sundays: April 24

Wednesdays: April 13 and 27

Pre-K meets: 24

Grades 8 – 10 meet:  April 24/ 10 a.m. – noon

Chaverim Katanim: April 24 / 9:30-10:30 a.m. 

Contact Ramona L. Brand, director of Youth Learning at (804) 355-3564 ext. 111 or to learn more about our vibrant Jewish education and our remarkable congregation or visit  to find a registration form.

As the photos show, Adar was sweet indeed as Beth-El students and teachers had a joyful Purim celebration all together!


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