Meaningful Meals is closing its doors this summer. For us, saying goodbye is not easy.
Back in March 2020, we never dreamed that our small idea to feed a few workers during the Pandemic would explode into an endowment through Richmond Jewish Foundation.
We are very grateful to the RJF staff: Robert Nomberg, Jesse Feld, Joice Burnett and Michelle Craig.
We have also treasured our relationship with Louis Campbell and his entire crew at Garnish Catering who produced and delivered the delicious meals.
Along the way several people willingly volunteered to assist us.Ann Eisenberg, our graphic artist, designed our logo. Gregg Friedman created and managed our Meaningful Meals website. Matthew Waskin and Melanie Menditch assisted us with our Facebook page. We recruited young people to make bags of Hershey kisses for each lunch. With the help of Morgan and Elizabeth Smartt, Lily Brooks, The Unice family and Samantha Goodman, these treats were a huge hit. Joel and Sara Jo Rubin, from Rubin Communications in Virginia Beach, were our marketing advisors. We appreciate each for their enthusiastic willingness to help our project.
We sincerely thank those in the media who reported on our achievements. Skip Kozakewicz from The Reflector newspaper, Bill Loehmann from the Richmond Times Dispatch, Rich and Lisa Malkman from Richmond Magazine, Anthony Antoine and Sarah Bloom from Channel 12, The Channel 6 news staff, River Road Magazine, Temple Beth-El and Congregation Or Atid.
Meaningful Meals was a labor of love. We met many dedicated individuals and companies who truly make a difference in our community during difficult times. We were awed by their spirit and willingness to help others. They have touched our hearts.
We believe that Meaningful Meals demonstrated how a community of donors and volunteers connecting with professionals in philanthropy and hospitality can come together in a crisis. Let’s hope we do not have another one, medical or otherwise. But if we do, we have a successful model to duplicate.
To see a full list of the groups your dollars have fed please visit:
With much appreciation,
Claudia Biegler and Janet Meyers, Co-founders of Meaningful Meals
The photos above and in the slide show are healthcare workers enjoying their Meaningful Meals and one showing Claudia and Janet making a drop-off