Reflector News

Hadassah statement on Reproductive Choice

Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.,  has put out a policy statement on Reproductive Choice.

This statement reaffirms its “unwavering support for full and complete access to reproductive health services and a woman’s right to make health decisions according to her own religious, moral, and ethical values…  Hadassah recognizes the role that reproductive freedom plays in women’s empowerment, economic equity and security.” Hadassah stands for choice and believes reproductive choice is fundamental to women’s health.

To further explain this policy and to present different viewpoints on reproductive choice, Hadassah Richmond hosted an informative advocacy program in October.

An array of opinions was presented on women’s reproductive health from a Jewish perspective, through the eyes of different denominations in Judaism.

An informed and diverse panel included Rebecca Young, an attorney and Hadassah leader; Delegate Eileen Filler Corn; Michael Edelstein, MD a Reproductive Endocrinologist /Fertility Specialist; Randi Nagel, a Reform Rabbi; Sharona Grinsteiner, a Conservative Rabbi and Thea Winston, an orthodox Certified Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator. (Above) (From left) Marci Linas with Va. Senator Jennifer McClellan.

Beth and panelist Michael Edelstein, MD.

According to event co-chair Miriam Davidow, “Cheri Wolff and I were thrilled with this program. We look forward to many more opportunities to provide advocacy experiences for Hadassah members and friends including appointments with legislators on both sides of the aisle and monitoring legislation during the Virginia General Assembly. If you are interested and would like to be involved in this important area, please contact Cheri ( or myself (”

To read Hadassah’s entire policy statements, visit: and

(From left) Hadassah members Julie Goodman, Margo Shayne and her daughter, Beth Campbell.

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