Reflector News

5400 Club: April

Upcoming Scheduled April Programs

April 3 – David Brackins, Regional Security Advisor, Richmond, Peninsula and Tidewater Secure Community Network. He serves at the local level as Director of Security for the Jewish Federations of Richmond, the Peninsula and Tidewater as well as regionally for North Carolina. His topic is “Staying Safe Today.”

April 10 – Andy Talkov, Senior Director of Curatorial Affairs at The Virginia Museum of History and Culture : His topic will be about the new exhibition: “Apollo: When We Went To The Moon”: This explores the causes and forces that sparked the decade long space race between the USA and USSR.

April 17– VIRTUAL ONLY. Sarah Ernest, Curator of Collections & Exhibitions at the Fredericksburg Area Museum, will be giving guests a “tour,” which will include the most recent exhibit featuring African-American artists with past or current connections to Fredericksburg.

April 24 – Enrich For Life. Dr. John Kneebone, Retired Associate Professor of History at VCU. His topic and book: “Fulfilling the Promise: Virginia Commonwealth University and the City and Richmond.” In collaboration with Eugene P. Trani, he co-authored the history of VCU since its founding in 1968, (published by the University of Virginia Press in fall 2020).

Note: Lunch served at 11:45. Speaker at 12:30. Meal is complimentary but RSVP is a must to: or (804) 545-8611 by April 19.
The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond is a sponsor of EnRich for Life.

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