Reflector News

Hadassah President’s Corner for September

Arlene Weiner

The smell of chicken soup wafting through the house, a new outfit, sitting in the men’s section of the shul playing with my father’s tallit strings- these are memories I have of the High Holidays.

What comes to your mind when you reflect on the upcoming Jewish New Year? More so than the secular New Year, I think of the past 12 months and all that has happened.

This helps to inform my goals for the upcoming year. As President of the Hadassah Richmond chapter, I have been reflecting on the accomplishments of our membership. New groups have formed embracing hospitality and focusing on young women. The advocacy committee held a Women’s Reproductive Rights Forum in October, our members met with legislators and attended Date with the State in February to advocate Jewish issues.

The chapter raised money through the annual Turkey Trot, giving Mah Jongg lessons and hiking in Byrd Park with a VMFA historian. The Keepers of the Gate were given a private tour of the Jewish archives at Beth Ahabah.

We collaborated with Chabad in a Women led Megillah reading, and discussed women in the Talmud at a joint event with JOFA. Several women ushered in the month of Sivan at an intimate Rosh Chodesh event.

As I write this article, our chapter is in the middle of a new Jewish New Year Card fundraiser. When you contemplate your goals for the New Year, consider including Hadassah Richmond in your plans. Allocate some of your time this year to help plan an event. I promise you will make new friends while also raising money for Hadassah Medical Organization.

There are already plans in place for the next Advocacy Program in October and a Health program in March.

I want to wish you and your loved ones a L’Shana Tova – a Healthy and Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.



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