More than 400 people attended the JCFR’s Grand Response at the Altria Theater to Stand with Israel on Nov.2. (Below) Yehuda Kurtzer, President of the Shalom Hartman Institute, was the guest speaker.
The chairs for the event were: Charley and Anne Scher and Shelly and Win Gouldin.
Other speakers included community leader Brian Greene, co-chair – Financial Resource Development for the Federation, and Liron Behar, who is in her second year as a long-term Shlicha (Emissary) at the Israel Center, The Levin JCC at Jewish for Good, Durham, N.C.
In her welcome remarks, Federation President Amy Nisenson, noted: “We gather tonight, in strength and solidarity, in community, in support of one another and in recognition of the unity of the Jewish world. We gather because tonight, we need each other, we need to know that the strength of our people is everlasting and resilient. That together we will get through these dark days and emerge stronger and unified.”
She continued, “We gather tonight to also mourn the over 1,400 men, women and children who were brutally murdered just 26 days ago. We remember that Never Again was not just a saying but a promise.”
During a candle lighting ceremony where attendees lit candles at their tables, she said.
“Banu Choshech Legaresh – Tonight we come together to drive away the darkness, in our hands is light and fire. Everyone carries a small light, and together we will create the light which drives back the darkness. Tonight is about action, education and unity. Tonight is about the power of our Jewish Richmond Community.”
Below is a link to the recording of the Grand Response.
And here are more photos from the event all taken by Adriene Winkelmann Epstein