Home Agencies 5400 Club for May

5400 Club for May


May 6 – “Everything You Wanted to Know about Blindness but were Afraid to Ask” Speaker Bill Gross will tell us about his everyday issues in daily life and the working world in NYC. He is the brother-in -law of the late Dr. Norman Sporn.

May 13 –  Samuel Asher, Executive Director, Virginia Holocaust Museum, “Famous Jewish Americans Hall of Fame Exhibit at the Museum.” This permanent exhibit contains 50 plaques of Jewish American men and women who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame since 1969.

These are plaques created by outstanding sculptures. A medal is created over the sculpture and then hung in the Museum.

This program will be about the stories of these famous Americans. The stories are of people in famous in their fields such as: Albert Einstein, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Golda Meir, Elie Wiesel,  George Gershwin, Dr. Jonas Salk, Barbara Streisand, and many others.

There are even sports figures like Hank Greenberg and Barney Ross. Pictures of the plaques will be shown, and Sam will review the histories of these amazing people.

May 20: Enrich for Life: “Elder Financial Abuse Prevention.” Diane Beirne, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility with Primis Bank in partnership with the Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney of Henrico County, Alison Martin, will present the signs of elder financial abuse along with common scams, money mules and how to prevent being swindled by those committing fraud. This is a community service provided by Henrico County and Primis Bank.

Lunch served at 11:45 and speakers at 12:30. Program is free but RSVP is a must to Shari Menlowe-Barck at 804- 545-8611 or sbarck@weinsteinjcc.org

May 27th: Memorial Day: NO PROGRAM