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Beth Ahabah Happenings

Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia.

By Sarah Roper, Programs Manager

On Friday, March 15th, the congregation held its annual Scouting Shabbat service.

More than a dozen Scouts and adult leaders attended the service, including members of Beth Ahabah’s own Cub Scout Pack 437.


All attendees earned a Scout Shabbat patch from the National Jewish Committee on Scouting, and each Scout and leader introduced themselves and their troop or pack. Everyone celebrated the evening with a delicious variety of Girl Scout cookies.

A few days later, Purim arrived! Beth Ahabah’s annual Friday night Purim service featured lights, lasers, bubbles, and a confetti cannon—as well as an exciting English retelling of the Megillat Esther.


Everyone was encouraged to arrive in costume, and the service was led by characters from Despicable Me (aka Rabbi Nagel and Cantor Beck-Berman). After the service, volunteers served a carnival-style dinner that included corn dogs, cotton candy, snow cones, chicken nuggets, French fries, and other treats.

Purim festivities continued at Religious School that Sunday when students, teachers, and parents were transported to the Star Wars universe and greeted by Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia. Even Lottie the Temple Dog was dressed as R2-D2! During the weekly prayer workshop, teachers participated in a megillah reading, and everyone enjoyed a hamantaschen snack at the end of the morning before heading home.

Later that evening, the community came together for “Hamiltaschen,” a “Hamilton”-themed Purim Shpiel. Written and directed by Beth Ahabah congregants, the show featured a large cast of talented actors in eighteenth century-inspired attire.

Approximately 150 audience members decided not to throw away their shot to be in the room where it happened, and they even had the opportunity to sing along with Haman during “You’ll Be Back.” Of course, Esther triumphed at the end of the show, and after a rap battle with Haman, saved her people. Audience and cast members alike then feasted on hamantaschen before heading home to pack away their costumes for another year.

In April, the congregation honored he Women of Beth Ahabah at a special Shabbat service.

Rabbi Randi Nagel was the evening’s featured speaker, and John and Meg Marshak were honored for their years of service to Beth Ahabah.

The service also included challah that was baked by the Women of Beth Ahabah earlier in the week. Thank you to the Beth Ahabah Brotherhood for preparing the delicious dinner afterward—and we extend a huge thank you to our amazing volunteers and everything they do for our congregation!