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How are Jewish teens really doing?


In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month and American Jewish Heritage Month, now is the time to lift up Jewish youth voices.

What is the BeWell National Research on Jewish Teen Well-being?

BeWell is partnering with Stanford University and other leading U.S. Jewish organizations to better understand Jewish teens’ stressors and strategies for thriving. This is a comprehensive anonymous study to better understand the intersection of Jewish culture and tradition, family dynamics, and systemic communal influences, including the sources of stress and strategies for thriving that characterize life among American Jewish teenagers.

Survey is live! Take this brief, mobile-friendly, and anonymous survey on Jewish teen well-being today. The deadline to complete is May 17.

Why is this research being conducted?

Jewish organizations have been operating without any clear insights into the overall mental health of Jewish teens or their strategies and habits for finding equanimity, pleasure, or a sense of peace. This research study is designed to produce the most comprehensive portrait to date of the state of mental health and well-being among Jewish teenagers.

And it’s the first national survey of Jewish teen well-being. It asks about the biggest stressors teens face and the support you find most helpful. We know the Jewish community is diverse and want to be sure the data captures this,

 What are the goals for this project?

To better understand, anticipate, and meet the needs of Jewish teens. By using the best available research methodologies to ground the study firmly in teenagers’ lived experiences, we hope to generate knowledge that will raise awareness, inform programs and policies, and catalyze strategic action and funding that more directly meets the needs of teens.

Who should participate?

Jewish teens in 7th-12th grades who are based in the U.S.

How long will it be open?

The survey will be open through May 17, 2024.

Where can I find the survey?

Direct link to the survey: https://stanforduniversity.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ZTLzc5ulh3Nphc 

The survey can also be found on the research project landing page: jewishtogether.org/bewell/research