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Or Ami Happenings


Or Ami students, families and staff joined hands to celebrate Mitzvah Day on May 5, the last day of religious school.

After bagels, an assembly on the meaning of mitzvot, and an update on a joint feeding project with Christian Ministry Beyond Walls, participants got busy with projects all around the Temple on a rainy Sunday.


One group made 80 tasty lunches that staff distributed to Blessing Warriors, a group that serves the homeless in Richmond’s East End and Southside. Participants also made encouragement cards and packed them inside the lunches.


Another group focused on animals by working on pet toys and collars for ASPCA rescues. A third group wrote letters about environmental justice to legislators while others made cards for Lone Soldiers in Israel.


A fun day underlined the joy and importance of helping others.

On May 31, Or Ami celebrated Rabbi Ahuva’s first decade as the spiritual leader of Or Ami with a special Shabbat service.

The Rabbi and Rachel Wolman led the service and included testimonials from members and a Rabbi Ahuva trivia game.  Heavy Schtetl performed during the Oneg.

A joyous time was had by all, and we look forward to the Rabbi’s next 10 years at the helm.

June 9: Or Ami Annual Meeting