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Or Atid Happenings

Guest speaker Samantha Haswell at the Nutrition and Lifestyle program.

By Ron Fink

While our thoughts and hearts have been with Israel over the last several months, we continue to pray for the end of war and for a lasting peace. And with it all, we understand that we must continue to work on the elevation and strength of our congregation with creative services, meaningful programs, and engaging activities.

On March 12, Or Atid’s Adult Education kicked off a 3-part series of Nutrition and Lifestyles workshops. They were presented by Samantha Haswell MS, RD, a registered Dietitian at VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center.

She shared vital insights on nutrition for daily health and well-being, as well as, during and after cancer treatment. She also presented strategies for preventing chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. The 2nd workshop was held on April 7 and the 3rd session was scheduled for May 1.

On the evening of Saturday, March 23rd, we celebrated Purim with a costumed party and the reading of the Megillah. The following day Or Atid was excited to partner with the Weinstein JCC to celebrate Purim with the greater Richmond Jewish community.

On April 5, our members and guests were introduced to some special friends who Ephriam Seidman met and worked with during his 3- month volunteer stay in Israel. We heard the inspiring story of Benzi, an IDF veteran with PTSD, and Lugo, his life-changing service dog partner from the Israel Guide Dog Center.

Lugo is at rest while Benzi talks about how his life changed when this black Labrador Retriever, became his partner several years ago through the Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind.

After years of struggle, Lugo has helped Benzi manage his symptoms and reconnect with life. (Pictured to the right) Noach Braun, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of the Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind in Beit Oved, Israel, was another special guest who provided additional information about the operation of the Center.


Noach Braun, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of the Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind in Beit Oved, Israel, was another special guest.

Young Jewish Families

We continued our ever-popular creative Friday evening Shabbat services with another Young Jewish Families Shabbat Experience on April 5.

The next morning Or Atid was pleased to welcome 45 members of a Longwood University Comparative Religion course to our Shabbat services. Rabbi Grinsteiner provided an excellent explanation of our services and the significance of the prayers.

The next Friday evening of April 12. we hosted another fun-filled Musical Shabbat with a Mexican food-themed dinner. The service was beautifully led by Cantor Sharon McCord.

Based on the very positive feedback we are receiving on our themed Shabbats, we will no doubt continue doing these in the coming months as these provide a wonderful experience of music, food, and community.

On April 28 Congregation Or Atid hosted a community-wide Yom Ha’Shoah Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day Commemoration. The program included a light Passover breakfast.

Details of this event will appear in the June edition of the Reflector.

For more on Or Atid, visit www.oratid.org/