Home Synagogues Or Ami Or Ami Happenings

Or Ami Happenings

Brisket image courtesy of Luis Santiago via Unsplash

By Win Loria

Our Religious School programs will begin on Sunday, Sept. 8.

During the 2024-2025 school year, children in our kindergarten through eighth grade program will be learning about Jewish values.

The fall semester will focus on Jewish art through the lens of Hiddur Mitzvah (making a mitzvah more beautiful with ritual objects like using special a Kiddush cup instead of just any old cup).

Then the spring semester will focus on a different value each week, such as piku’ach nefesh (saving lives), kibbud z’keinim (honoring our elders), and bikkur cholim (visiting the sick).

The Torah Tots (preschool class for children ages 3-4) will be focusing on Torah stories and Jewish holidays.

All students will also learn Hebrew at age-appropriate levels and be taught by dedicated and nurturing teachers under the direction of Rabbi Ahuva.

If you are interested in enrolling your children in our preschool through the eighth-grade Religious School program, you can contact Rabbi Ahuva through the Or Ami website or register at  https://or-ami.com/registration/

Annual Risk It for the Brisket and Kugel Cookoff,

Sunday, Sept. 8, 12:30 p.m.

Enjoy tasting different Briskets and Kugel as well as voting for the best Brisket and Kugel at our annual get together and first day of Sunday School event!

The cost for early bird registration by Sept. 4 is $15/person or $40/family or at the door $20/person and $50/family.

A plate will consist of Brisket and Kugel from competing Brisket and Kugel Chefs vying to be Or Ami 2024 winners! A plate will also include salad, mac and cheese, fruit, and dessert.

This is a fantastic fellowship opportunity, and we encourage members and non-members to sign up by contacting Or Ami at office@or-ami.com or 804-272-0017.

Or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTNz40EMSI0tCNF9uOvqsyJRDng5U4M3X6nJVqYzF-lepP9A/viewform

We look forward to seeing you on Sept. 8th!

If you are interested in participating in the event by making a Kugel, Brisket, or helping out with bringing fruit, salad, mac and cheese and desserts, please contact Laurie Coulter at 804-690-2246 or Lfcoulter@yahoo.com

You won’t want to miss this fun and delicious event!

For High Holiday Services, visit https://or-ami.com/high-holy-days/