Home Federation Partnership2Gether Israeli teens visit Richmond

Partnership2Gether Israeli teens visit Richmond


Once again, the Richmond Jewish community was excited to welcome six teens and two chaperons from Hadera-Eiron Israel for a week-long Teen Exchange program in July.  This great annual program has been happening for many years.

During their visit, they toured RVA and Washington, D.C. connected with kids at Weinstein JCC Camp Hilbert, interacted with Eastern Region BBYO teens, toured the Virginia Holocaust Museum, and University of Richmond, took part in several community programs and made lasting connections!

Federation Chief Impact Officer Sara Rosenbaum and Tal Bahar, our community Shlicha, led and coordinated the week’s activities. In addition, Ksenia and Eva – two Ukrainian young women visiting Richmond for a month and Ronia and Omer, who are Shalichim at Camp Hilbert this summer – also took part in several programs.

Thank you  Jewish Agency for Israel,  Weinstein JCC and  Partnership2Gether Hadera-Eiron-SE Consortium for this wonderful summer initiative once again that the Federation was pleased to host.


We also thank our host families for assisting with lodging, home hospitality, providing many meals and more during their stay. They also attended some of the events. Thank you – Sarah Arenstein and Bram Levy and family; Yuliya and Tino Habib and family; Alisa and Brian Shapiro and family; Ramona Brand and Harlan Loebman; Adam and Michelle Shor; Kate and Arnold Rosenbaum, Ellen Stonehill and Nancy Nelson.


The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond is proud to support and sponsor these programs to bring Israel and Global Jewry home to RVA!

As readers can see in the photos, they had an exciting time.