Home Synagogues Beth-El Beth-El High Holiday Services for Unaffiliated Community Members

Beth-El High Holiday Services for Unaffiliated Community Members


Temple Beth-El invites all unaffiliated members of our community to experience High Holy Days in fellowship by waiving ticket fees.

Now more than ever, Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh – All Jews are responsible for one another. Join us during the Days of Awe in our newly renovated sanctuary under the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Rachel Salston.

Toby Banks, a professionally trained cantorial student, will be our High Holy Day Hazzan.

We’ll also offer Tot and Family services under the supervision of our School Director, Ramona Brand.

While anyone may request guest tickets at no charge, donations are appreciated as they help us provide quality High Holy Day programming to our community.

Nonmembers may register at bethelrichmond.org/form/hhdGuest24; members, please register at: bethelrichmond.org/form/hhdMember24.