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Beth-El Religious School Happenings


Magnificent Madrichim

Nothing is more rewarding for me, as the Director of the Religious school, than to watch our young students mature and deepen their connection to Jewish education.

When our post B’nai Mitzvah students return to the religious school to become Madrichim, I feel that we have been successful in fostering the joy of Judaism, and the value that staying involved in community can have for teens.

The photos in the article show how Madrichim are an important part of our school mornings!

The Hebrew word for our classroom assistants, Madrich and Madricha, translates as guide or leader. For many of our teens, working on the Madrichim team is an important step in leadership, skill building, and mentorship. They build confidence, pride, and enjoy the adulation of our younger students who form real bonds with their teen Madrichim.

Working in the religious school is often a first job a teen may have and provides a springboard for responsibility and growth. Some of our Madrichim become teachers in the school in their later high school years and most will be able to transfer these skills to find jobs in college.

Most importantly, teens who stay connected our synagogue community through Madrichim programs will be more likely to stay connected through their young adult years as well.

Our Madrichim are a vital part of our school sessions.

Whether they are assisting in the classroom, the school office, on the playground, in the library, during dismissal, or providing one on one tutoring with students, our teachers and staff know they can rely on the Madrichim to make all our students’ school experiences better.

This year we are so lucky to have nineteen wonderful teens on our Madrichim team. We are so immensely proud of them and appreciate all the ways they make our religious school a great place to learn.

 Uri, Uri Dabri Shir: Come Sing a Song at Religious School

The religious school is seeking a Song-leader Specialist for approximately two Sundays a month plus monthly Young Family Shabbat Services. Salary begins at $25 per hour. For more information or to apply email Ramona at r.brand@bethelrichmond.org

October Religious School Calendar

Sundays: Oct. 6, 20, 27/ 9 a.m. – noon / grades Pre-K through 10

Wednesdays: Oct. 9,16, 30 / 4:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. / grades 3 through 7

Family High Holiday Services:

Rosh Hashana, Thursday, Oct. 3

Birthday of the World! Come celebrate the New Year with a lively service and birthday cake to celebrate the World’s 5785th year!

Tot Service: 9 – 9:30 a.m. in the Social Hall / for families with children, birth to age 5

Family Service: 10-11:15 a.m. in the Social Hall/ for families with children ages 5 through 11

Tweens and Teens are invited to help lead the service with Ramona.

Yom Kippur, Saturday, Oct. 12

Tot Service: 9 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. in the Social Hall / for families with children birth to age 5

Family Service: 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. in the Social Hall / for families with children aged 5 through 11

Tweens and Teens are invited to help lead the service with Ramona.

Sukkot, Wednesday, Oct. 16, 6 p.m.

All are invited to decorate the Sukkah, shake the Lulav, and enjoy a pizza dinner in the Sukkah at the Religious school.

To register for this dinner visit https://www.bethelrichmond.org/event/pizza24

It’s not too late to register for Religious School! For information or to schedule a visit. email r.brand@bethelrichmond.org

To register visit:
