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Claudia Biegler ’embodies every aspect of being a community treasure and passionate humanitarian’

(FROM LEFT) Connie Saupe, Steve Bloom, Mindy Bloom and Art Bloom)

The Bloom Family are Presenting Sponsors for this year’s Elinor Bloom Marshall Humanitarian Award (EBMHA) Celebration. Claudia Biegler, this year’s award recipient, is a longtime friend of the Blooms, all having grown up in Petersburg, so it is special to them that she was selected.

Hadassah member and Humanitarian Award Publicity Committee Co-Chair Robin Jackson recently talked with Mindy and Art Bloom about his mother’s legacy with Hadassah and the Award named in her memory.

Why do you think Claudia is a worthy recipient of this award? What do you know of her ties to Elinor?

Art: “My mother is kvelling that her dear friend Claudia is this year’s recipient.  She embodies every aspect of being a community treasure and passionate humanitarian.

“Claudia and I grew up together and she often babysat for my brothers. I remember her father, Lou Rubin writing, rehearsing and performing many original musical programs with my Mom in Petersburg. Lou was the funniest man I ever met.

“My mother became even closer to Claudia through their shared Hadassah connections.  In fact, she often referred to Claudia as the daughter she never had.”

Other than the obvious, her charm, her work ethic and her commitment to others, what do you think made Elinor a humanitarian?

Mindy: “Elinor loved people and was genuinely curious about everyone. She believed in Tikun Olam and strived to improve the world around her through her acts of kindness and dedication to community service.”

What do you know of Elinor’s love/support for Hadassah?

Art: “My grandmother and great-grandmother instilled their love for Hadassah to my Mom, making her a lifetime member.  My mother became President of Hadassah in Petersburg when I was a child.  When Hadassah opened a new chapter in Southside Richmond, she hosted the inaugural meeting and nominated my wife Mindy to be the President.  Of course, this began Mindy’s 35-year long passion for Hadassah.”

Why has your family continued to support the Elinor Bloom Marshall Humanitarian Award – both financially and by being involved on the committee?

Art & Mindy: “When Hadassah Richmond chose to honor Elinor’s memory with this beautiful award tribute, our family was so touched. We all believe in the exceptional work that Hadassah does. Hadassah Richmond has been careful to ensure that funds raised are earmarked for projects important to each award recipient. It is fitting that this year’s funding will benefit Hadassah’s adolescent psychiatric services, a cause that is very dear to Claudia.”

Why is the cause- youth mental health – so important?

Mindy: “Since October 7th there has been an even-greater need for these youth mental health services. The funds raised for this event will go directly to helping children during this difficult and traumatic time.”

To donate to the EBMHA in Elinor’s memory or Claudia’s Honor, please scan the QR Code, go to https://bit.ly/2024ElinorBloomMarshallHumanitarianAward or contact Leslie Baron, bubbielou57@gmail.com, 804-305-7695 or Elaine Ragone, talk2el@aol.com, 804-314-2852, EBMHA Fundraising Chairs.