Home Synagogues Beth Ahabah Happenings at Beth Ahabah

Happenings at Beth Ahabah

The greeters on Sept. 8!

By Sarah Roper, Programs Manager
Religious School
On Sunday, Sept. 8, Beth Ahabah welcomed everyone back to Religious School with a hearty “Sunday, SUNday, SUNDAY” greeting!
While students were in classes, parents had the chance to socialize over bagels, pastries and fruit before heading into the sanctuary for an orientation session.
We are thrilled to welcome Tal Bahar, our community’s Shlicha from Israel, to Beth Ahabah approximately once a month during the school year.
She will be sharing her experiences as an Israeli with students and supplementing their Israeli history, culture, and geography curriculum.
Cub Scouts
Pack 437, sponsored by Congregation Beth Ahabah, kicked off its first meeting of the season at the end of August.
Scouts have been learning about fishing and packing for their first camping trip of the year. They are looking forward to many fun and educational adventures in the coming months, including making and racing wooden cars at this winter’s Pinewood Derby.
For more information about the pack, please contact Sarah Roper at programs@bethahabah.org.
College Care Packages
For the past several years, the congregation has sent care packages to college students whose parents are members of the Beth Ahabah.

This year’s boxes included Shabbat candles, cookies, water bottle stickers, apple and honey candies, Sukkot napkins, honey packets, apple cider, and apple tea.
We hope that they have a sweet and wonderful school year and wish them a Shanah tovah!
Coming Up
Simchat Torah Service
The community is invited to a lively and festive Simchat Torah service featuring local klezmer-Roma band My Son the Doctor at Beth Ahabah on Wednesday, Oct. 23 followed by ice cream sundaes!
The evening will begin with an Oneg at 6 p.m. followed by the service at 6:30 p.m.
Pet Blessing at Deep Run Park
Pet owners are invited to bring their furry, feathered, or scaly friends to Deep Run Park Shelter 1 for a clergy-led pet blessing on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 4 p.m. (please keep all pets in a carrier or on a leash). Snacks and water will be available for both humans and pets.
Hike and Havdalah
Young adults (those in their 20s to 45-ish) will be gathering by the James River on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 4 p.m. for a hike across the James River and on Belle Isle.
The group will be cleaning up the trails (trash bags, gloves, and grabber tools will be provided) and ending with Havdalah by the river.
For more information and to register for the event, please visit
www.bethahabah.org or contact Sarah Roper at programs@bethahabah.org.

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