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Beth-El news and upcoming events


Simchat Torah Honorees

Beth-El continued its annual tradition of honoring 3 worthy individuals on Simchat Torah (Oct. 25).  This year’s honorees were Gail Schwartz, Nina Lankin, and Brandon Metheny.

Beth-El members can read about them and/or donate in their honor at https://www.bethelrichmond.org/event/ST2024.

Kugels and Collards: Thursday, Nov. 14 at the Weinstein JCC, co-sponsored by Temple Beth-El:  Join Authors Rachel Gordin Barnett (cousin of a Beth-El member) and Lyssa Kligman Harvey as they explore the food history, traditions, and memories of Jews in South Carolina.

5:30  p.m. – Wine Bar & Silent Auction; 6:15 p.m. – Dinner;  7 p.m. –  Program

$30  Admission for JCC members and Beth-El members; includes dinner and wine.  Silent auction will highlight delectible homemade delights and handcrafted items! Proceeds from the auction will benefit Beth-El.

Join us for this fun event!

Registration required: weinsteinjcc.org/explore-our-programs/arts-ideas/fife-davis-family-annual-jewish-book-fair/kugels-and-collards/

 Family Shabbat/ Consecration/Hebrew naming, Friday, Nov. 15, 3330 Grove Ave.   6 p.m. service; 7:15 p.m. dinner

Join us for this special Family Shabbat to mark the beginning of our Kindergarten and new 1st and 2nd grade Religious School students. Older students receiving their Hebrew names will also be honored.

Congregational Dinner Honoring Sisterhood, Friday, Nov. 20, 7 p.m., 3330 Grove Ave. Join us for dinner following evening Shabbat services (6p.m.) as we thank Sisterhood for generously forgiving their loan to the Temple renovation;  not to mention their substantial annual donations to the school and all the special projects along the way. Please register at bethelrichmond.org/event/SHdinner24.

Introduction to Judaism led by Rabbi Rachel Salston beginning Oct 29.  Not too late to register!  This class is designed for conversion students but all are welcome.  18 Tuesdays  –  6:15-9:15 p.m. in the Atrium at 3330 Grove Ave.

$72 Tuition includes textbook: register at bethelrichmond.org/event/intro24