By Ramona L. Brand, Director of Youth Learning
November Religious School Calendar
Sundays: Nov. 3,10, 17, 24 / 9 a.m.- noon / grades Pre-K through 10
Wednesdays: Nov. 6, 13, 20/ 4:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. / grades 3 through 7
Shabbat is our Favorite “Challah Day”! Young Family Shabbat begins this month
New This Year:
Young family breakfast and dinners served after Shabbat. Join Rabbi Salston and Ramona Brand for a musical family Shabbat designed for the wiggles. Shabbat services alternate months with Friday evening and Saturday morning services. A Tot friendly dinner or brunch will be served after each service.
All services take place in the Okun Chapel at Temple Beth-El. 3330 Grove Avenue, Richmond 23221
Young family services are open to the public. Email to RSVP.
Friday Services at 5:30 – 6 p.m. with Tot friendly dinner
Nov. 1, Jan. 3, March 7, May 2
Saturday Services at 9:30 – 10 am with bagel breakfast
December 7, February 1, April 5, June 7
Family Shabbat Service with Consecration and Hebrew Naming:
Nov. 15 / 6 p.m. service followed by Shabbat Dinner in the Social Hall
Join us for this special Family Shabbat marking the formal beginning of Jewish education for our Kindergarten and new 1st and 2nd grade Religious School students.
This Simcha begins students’ Jewish education journey on their way to B’nai Mitzvah,
Confirmation and life-long learning. Older students, receiving their Hebrew names will also be honored. We celebrate as a community in knowing that learning Torah is ‘sweet as honey on our tongues.”
Location: Temple Beth-El / 3330 Grove Ave. Richmond, 23221
It’s never too late to register for Religious School! For more information or to schedule a visit email
To register visit:
See more photos from recent Religious School activities and programs, including a visit to Rosenwald Schools exhibit at Virginia Museum of History and Culture, meeting with seniors in the Better Together program and the Loving Acres Sanctuary visit.