Happy Sylvester! Happy 2022!

By Rabbi Hal Schevitz How do you say “New Year’s” in Hebrew? What do you think Israelis call it? We celebrate this day on our civil...

Congregation Or Atid Launches Gan Chesed Kindness Garden

We should ask ourselves are we doing enough to raise our voices and take action against increasing hatred and violence in our communities and...

Congregation Or Atid’s Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School is BACK...

Last month, the students of the Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School at Or Atid kicked off the year with a bang!Students, grades K-9,...

Or Atid Happenings for October

It’s been a great start to 5782 at Congregation Or Atid!Our congregational family enjoyed services both in person and virtually, and on Rosh Hashanah...

Or Atid Happenings for September

We invited congregants back to the building for a Shabbarbeque on Aug. 6.  It was a wonderful turnout followed by an uplifting Shabbat Service. ...

Or Atid Invites the Greater Richmond Community to High Holy Day...

Congregation Or Atid is looking forward to the upcoming High Holy Days. This year we are limiting attendance on the first day of Rosh Hashanah...

Or Atid News for July

By Lynn Landesman and Alison LitvinCongregation Or Atid had a phenomenal beginning to the summer months!We were excited to have three B’nai Mitzvah celebrations. ...