Home Federation PJ Library engages families

PJ Library engages families


PJ Library is an award-winning program started by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation that engages families in their Jewish journey by providing free Jewish books and music to families around the world.

In Richmond, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond supports our PJ Library program, and there are currently a total of nearly 700 families enrolled in the program.

Your children are learning about the world around them through the stories they hear. PJ Library books can bring Jewish ideas and inspiration for you and your children to share together.

On Sunday, Feb. 21 at 9 a.m., the Federation and the Weinstein JCC will sponsor a special PJ Library Virtual Story Time In Your PJs!  Join us for Purim Stories and crafts.  Costumes and PJs are encouraged.

To register, visit https://jewishrichmond.regfox.com/pj-library-purim-story-time.

For more information about the program and how to sign up to receive monthly books, visit pjlibrary.org.

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