Home Federation Ten Complete 2020 Community Leadership Institute

Ten Complete 2020 Community Leadership Institute


The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond’s Community Leadership Institute 2020 cohort graduated from the program Nov. 23.

During the program, 10 local participants grew their professional skills as they learned the intricacies of the Federation system and partnerships, board skills for future involvement across the Jewish community, and important elements of professional development through a Jewish lens.

During one Zoom meeting, the group got a chance to better understand the current allocations process and participate in a mock allocations exercise, led by JCFR Director of Impact and Community Planning Sara Rosenbaum and Allocations Chair Howard Goldfine. They also got to analyze nonprofit budgets through a presentation from Federation Controller Bonnie Hite.

The CLI graduates are: Nate Mulberg, Jordan Perin, Rachel Peters, Lucas Pfaff, Ashley Shapiro, Conor Shapiro, Graham Sheridan, Victoria Sheridan, Adam Shustak and Amanda Young.

CLI is one of the leadership development programs offered through the Federation to grow skills and engagement of young professionals in the greater Jewish Community.

Planning is underway for the next cohort and the continuation of the program, with applications available in early 2021.

We look forward to encouraging our participants in their professional and Jewish journeys.

For more information on how to get involved, contact Amanda Braun at abraun@jwishrichmond.org or (804) 545-8621.

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