Home Synagogues Chabad Passover 2021 – Rabbi Reflections Chabad Community Synagogue

Passover 2021 – Rabbi Reflections Chabad Community Synagogue


Passover, the joyous Jewish festival of freedom, marks our ancestors’ liberation from Egyptian bondage and the birth of our nationhood and special relationship with G-d. The festival’s highlight is the seder (ritual meal), observed this year on Saturday evening, March 27, and repeated on the following night. Jewish calendar dates do not begin at midnight, but earlier—at nightfall. Not insignificantly, this allows Jewish days to fully progress from darkness (night) to light (day), a theme especially native to Passover Eve.

Our national experience began with the darkness of exile and the nightmare of bondage, before maturing into freedom and light with the receiving of our Torah. In our own lives, we attempt to replicate this progress when celebrating Passover—to escape from internal darkness, inflicted by self-centeredness and servitude to baser instincts, and to emerge into a liberating existence focused on purpose. In this way, Passover empowers our personal exodus.

On behalf of all of us at Chabad, I wish you and your family good health and happiness, nachas from your children, and success—both materially and spiritually. May we merit to finally see the dawn of a new day—a day of freedom, prosperity, and peace, for all of mankind.

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