By Jesse Feld
Director of Development and Engagement,
Jewish Community Federation of Richmond
Let’s start with the obvious: the past 12 months have been a roller coaster ride… to say the least.
As individuals we’ve mastered the ins and outs of Zooming, become adept at telling what is and isn’t six feet apart, and managed ways to remain connected spiritually and emotionally to our community, and in turn our own identities. In many ways, our Jewish community institutions have gone through those same steps.
Throughout the year, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond has been motivated by our Campaign theme, and one of the common threads that unites us – our resiliency. The reasoning behind resiliency being the Annual Campaign’s theme, has come to fruition.
When people are in need, the Jewish community steps up. Since early August, when the 2021 Annual Campaign kicked off, each of you in the community has been a source of inspiration by engaging in community programming, and by generously giving to the campaign.
In fact, the Annual Campaign has already surpassed $3 million raised, currently our greatest financial achievement since the 2017 campaign.
Early Allocation
It is because of that success that the Federation Allocations Committee, led by Josh Goldberg, Federation’s Allocations Chair; and Sara Rosenbaum, Federation’s Director of Impact and Community Planning; has already granted out $120,000 worth of funds into the community.
This early allocation was made possible because of you, our donors who stepped up with new and increased pledges to the JCFR Annual Campaign. From September through December, 2020, our national partner, Jewish Federations of North America, offered a 50% match for new and increased dollars up to $120,000.
Our Richmond community stepped up and made it possible to reach that goal quickly. Thank you! The need is great, which is why Federation made the decision to accelerate the allocations process, usually occurring in April to ensure emergent needs were met.
While we should all be proud of the success thus far, our work is not yet done. We need everyone’s help to continue on this successful path, and the help we need is for everyone to perform a mitzvah. Whether it’s performing the Mitzvah of Tzedakah, or the even higher Mitzvah of giving someone else the opportunity to give Tzedakah, we can use your help.
Mitzvah Madness
All throughout March, we will be coordinating a month-long program that we’re calling March Mitzvah Madness! Federation will be coordinating our final four phone-a-thons to reach as many community members as possible who can help support our shared mission.
All volunteers will come together on Zoom for these phone-a-thons to get inspired about the work of Federation, and asking others for their support. All through the month, we will be pushing to close the campaign and ensure our communities’ strength!
If you’re interested in signing up, you can visit or contact Director of Development and Engagement, Jesse Feld at
If you’d like to make a gift, you can use our virtual Tzedakah box linked at the top of Thank you for all that you do, we hope you will join in on the madness, and remember, as these Mitzvoth add up, so does the vibrancy of our amazing community!
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