Congregation Or Atid is looking forward to the upcoming High Holy Days.
This year we are limiting attendance on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur morning to 200 attendees. The in-person experiences require registration and are for Or Atid members only. We welcome all from the greater community to participate virtually from home and watch services as we stream them to our YouTube page, “Or Atid Events.”
We are also excited about our Rosh Hashanah Extravaganza, which will be held in Or Atid’s parking lot on the afternoon of Tuesday Sept. 7. We are planning a children’s experience along with Tashlikh, the sounding of the Shofar, and other fun activities.
Please check our website for more information as we get closer to the holidays.
The time schedule for the High Holy Day services can be viewed on Or Atid website. Please note that as we continue to finalize our schedule, our website will have the most up-to-date information. Some events will require reservations through our website or by calling the office.
Congregation Or Atid uses a Sustaining Share pledge model of membership rather than structured dues. Any guests attending the High Holidays who decide to join our Congregation can apply their High Holiday gift to their Sustaining Share pledge. Congregants choose their own level of giving to help sustain our synagogue rather than be bound by typical synagogue dues. It’s more than a financial commitment; it is an emotional commitment that each individual or family wants to be a part of our community.
For more information, please call 804-740-4747 and visit We would love to have you participate in our warm and welcoming services and community, even if we are unable to all be in person this year. L’Shana Tova!