Home Synagogues Or Atid Or Atid Happenings for October

Or Atid Happenings for October


It’s been a great start to 5782 at Congregation Or Atid!

Our congregational family enjoyed services both in person and virtually, and on Rosh Hashanah enjoyed an outdoor event at the Synagogue.  We had a lovely Taslich service where using dissolvable paper, congregants could cast their sins into water.

Rabbi Hal led Shofar blowing and it was great fun to see some of our fellow congregants blow the Shofar as well. To end the afternoon, we all enjoyed Kona Ice to cool down on a hot day.

The Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School held their first session on Sept. 26.  Kids and families enjoyed the outdoor Sukkot program and were excited to see their friends in person!  Spending time in the Sukkah, having snacks, and doing some arts and crafts were the highlights of the morning!

We are looking forward to a great educational year!

Members of our congregation joined Rabbi Hal and his family at their Sukkah on the afternoon of Sept. 26 for an enjoyable afternoon of fun.   Rabbi Hal led us in prayers and everyone got to shake the lulav and etrog.

Congregation Or Atid is holding services in person and virtually.  Please call the office at (804) 740-4747 to learn more or visit our website at www.oratid.org.