Home Synagogues Brith Achim Happenings at Congregation Brith Achim

Happenings at Congregation Brith Achim


Our community worked tirelessly at Congregation Brith Achim in November to enable a great (almost-miracle) to happen here in December!

November continued our in-person and Zoom-based services.  Children’s Awesome Service Experience has been held during each Saturday adult service, with Graham-Brightly Goldstein leading the point total for the boys and Naomi Rinehart for the girls (for prizes).  A viewing of popular movies and examining how they portray Jews has been held after our meals at most children’s and adult services as well.

November also featured our preparations for Hanukkah.  We have existing or proposed holiday displays at many public locations, including Centre Hill Mansion, the Petersburg-Area Art League and most public libraries in the Tri-Cities. (See separate article for this month)  Preparations also began for our December 5th Hanukkah party, including a synagogue-wide cleanup, repair and landscaping effort.

Dec. 5 is our first large get-together since the pandemic began: our annual Hannukah party.  This year’s holiday celebration will feature live musical performances, video presentations, prayers and food – including enough Latkes to sate everyone. With cases of donated decorations and a variety of sponsors, this should be a celebration to remember!

For more information about any of these events contact David Goldstein at drdaveg@gmail.com.

Congregation Brith Achim’s Sisterhood is providing Hanukkah displays at numerous public places.  There are also ongoing efforts to decorate entire public spaces, but no photos were not available of these at the time of this article’s submission.

Congregation Brith Achim has ongoing Federation-sponsored Zoom and in-person children’s services on the first and third Saturday of each month.  Pictured on one of the Zoom broadcasts are David Goldstein, Naomi Rinehart and Grahm Brightly-Goldstein.