Home Community Hadassah Richmond plans Roundabout walking tour: March 13

Hadassah Richmond plans Roundabout walking tour: March 13


Sunday March 13, starting at 9 a.m., Hadassah members and friends will meet at Main Street Station (1500 E. Main St.) for a walking tour of Shockoe Bottom.

The walk will be approximately an hour departing promptly at 9:15 a.m. and then a stop for beverages at Ironclad Roasters.

Hadassah Richmond Co-President Arlene Wiener will lead the tour that will include the site of 17th Street Market, old Synagogue Keneseth Israel, Jewish burial grounds on Franklin Street, overlook views from Jefferson Park and more.

Learn about Richmond while making new friends with Hadassah Richmond!

For more info and to RSVP contact: Arlene Wiener at arlenewiener@comcast.net or (908) 612-4466. RSVPs are needed by Friday, March 11. Donations to Hadassah Richmond are encouraged.

Another walking tour of murals in Jackson Ward with a stop at Perly’s will be held on Sunday, April 10. Details to follow. For more info and to RSVP contact: Arlene Wiener at arlenewiener@comcast.net or (908) 612-4466. RSVPs are needed by Friday, March 11.