Home Synagogues Or Atid Or Atid Happenings for March

Or Atid Happenings for March


By Sue Geller

The Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School students celebrated Tu B’shvat by partaking in traditional Tu B’shvat foods while Rabbi Hal led them on a journey explaining the holiday.

The children also created craft projects and participated in planting seedlings, which will be used as we begin the growth of Gan Chesed, our Kindness Garden.   We thank BSA Troop 709G Honey Badger Patrol, and their Troop Leader, Chris Hawks, for building raised garden boxes in which we will plant this spring.

We appreciate their volunteer time and effort.

Our school continues to learn in person and thrive as a community.

In the past weeks the younger students talked about the story of Noah.  Since G-d sealed his promise to Noah with a rainbow, the children applied their newly acquired knowledge of the aleph bet by practicing with the Hebrew words for the rainbow and had fun with the Hebrew colors of the rainbow.

The teenagers in Machon discussed with Rabbi Hal the purpose of rules and laws, determining that they give our lives structure and help to govern our behavior. This translated to mitzvot, Jewish laws and practices that define who we are by what we do. The class explored the practices and background of well-known Jewish practices of Kashrut and Shabbat, and how these mitzvot, and all of their permutations, define how we live Jewishly and create Jewish identity.

Purim is fast approaching, and we are going to be celebrating on Sunday, March 13, with a Megillah reading, costume contest for young and old, and a congregational brunch.  On Purim, March 16, we will have our traditional Megillah reading at 7:30 p.m.!

If you are interested in joining us, please contact office@oratid.org for more information.