Home Community Over 100 attend Hadassah Advocacy Program on women’s health issues

Over 100 attend Hadassah Advocacy Program on women’s health issues


By Robin Jackson

Over 100 women and men attended the Oct. 23 Hadassah Richmond advocacy program at the Weinstein JCC on women’s health issues including reproductive health, fertility, and abortion.

An array of viewpoints was presented on the spiritual, legal, emotional and medical aspects of women’s reproductive health from a Jewish perspective, through the eyes of different denominations in Judaism.

(From left)- Program Co-Chairs Miriam Davidow and Cheri Wolff.

The event was chaired by Cheri Wolff and Miriam Davidow.

Rebecca Young, an attorney and Hadassah leader, stated in her remarks, “Women’s health doesn’t advance itself. It often takes many voices to ensure women’s inclusion in the process.”

As a Jewish organization, the Hadassah Richmond chapter has the unique ability to take the lead in the community on these important and relevant issues that speak to us all.

Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn with Sharon Goretsky, Hadassah Southern Seaboard Region President.

An informed and diverse panel included Rebecca, representing Hadassah; Delegate Eileen Filler Corn; Michael Edelstein, MD, a Reproductive Endocrinologist /Fertility Specialist; Randi Nagel, a Reform Rabbi; Sharona Grinsteiner, a Conservative Rabbi and Thea Winston, an orthodox Certified Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator.

Hadassah stands for choice and believes reproductive choice is fundamental to women’s health. Rabbi Nagel summed it up as the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice states, “I am pro-faith. I am pro-family. I am pro-choice.”

More photos and information to follow in December Reflector.