Home Synagogues Beth Ahabah What’s Happening at Beth Ahabah

What’s Happening at Beth Ahabah

Art by Peyton Millikan - Courtesy of Congregation Beth Ahabah

On Sat. Nov. 12, several members of the Beth Ahabah Choir performed in a Cabaret Concert featuring music from the Golden Age of Broadway exploring themes of home, confidence, time and memory, feeling good, wishful thinking, and (of course) the transformative power of love.

The show was organized and accompanied by Music Director Natan Berenshteyn, who also directs the Beth Ahabah Choir.

The MC for the event, Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman, described the show as a celebration of music and singing, saying: “There is a power in singing. There is a power in listening to music. I think if nothing else the challenges of the last few years have served to demonstrate that even when there is risk, singing together and hearing each other in the same space is a rich and rewarding experience.”

She continued, “It fills a need inside us. Through hosting this concert, I want to give kavod (respect) to the amazing volunteer singers in the Beth Ahabah volunteer choir who contribute so much to our congregation and community, not only those who performed tonight but to all those who sing with us during Shabbat and High Holy Day services.”

The Music Program at Beth Ahabah has several more exciting events in the coming year. The next one is a Shabbaton Jan. 13-14, featuring acclaimed singers and songwriters Elana Jagoda Kaye and Saul Kaye as Musicians-in-Residence!

Join us that weekend for a special Friday Shabbat service, Saturday morning Tot Shabbat, and Saturday night Havdalah Concert!

See our website calendar for details and how to register for events as we get closer to the dates (BethAhabah.org/calendar).

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