Home Synagogues Beth Ahabah Happenings at Beth Ahabah

Happenings at Beth Ahabah


Congregation Beth Ahabah celebrated Passover with a joyful family-friendly Second Night Seder on Thursday, April 6th.

Attendance was close to pre-pandemic numbers, (as the photo above shows) with over 180 congregants and their guests present! The Seder featured a Haggadah created by Rabbi Scott Nagel and Cantor Sarah Beck-Berman, and the festival meal featured delicious dishes—such as matzah ball soup, brisket, chicken, chopped liver, and charoset, plus gluten-free and vegetarian options—prepared by attendees.

Adults and children enjoyed the retelling of the Exodos story, as well as the “bags of plagues” placed at each table.

Plastic frogs hopped over plates, hail (ping pong balls) flew across the room, miniature wild beasts spilled onto tables, and a chorus of clicking “locusts” filled the air!

After the meal, children searched for hidden afikomens and were rewarded for their efforts. The evening ended with joyful singing and the hope of “next year in Jerusalem.” Everyone agreed that it was wonderful to be back together as a community this year.

Women of Beth Ahabah—Nosh and Knowledge

The Women of Beth Ahabah gathered on the morning of Sunday, April 16th to share family memories through objects passed down l’dor vador—from generation to generation.

They brought decades-old photos, jewelry, monogrammed brushes, certificates, sunglasses, and even a portable manual typewriter. All congregants were invited to bring family heirlooms and share snacks, stories, and family histories, and attendees enjoyed learning from one another. (See photo below)


Upcoming Events

Beth Ahabah will mark the end of Religious School with a pancake breakfast on Sunday, May 7th.

Thank you in advance to the Beth Ahabah Brotherhood for the delicious food—and for an opportunity for parents, students, and the entire congregation to gather as we welcome summer.

The entire community is invited to celebrate Shavuot at Beth Ahabah on Friday, May 26th with an Erev Shabbat service featuring the reading of the Ten Commandments.