Home Federation JCRC focuses on critical issues involving public education

JCRC focuses on critical issues involving public education


By Miriam Davidow, Chair, JCRC Education Committee


Larry Goldman, JCRC Education Committee Member

The Jewish Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond is the central public affairs arm of the organized Jewish community. The JCRC handles government affairs and represents the Jewish community on many critical issues.


The JCRC’s Education Committee focuses on critical issues involving the role of the Jewish community within the public schools and public education’s role in meeting the needs of our students. As such we monitor and advocate for many issues including:

  • The recent debates and adoption of how Judaism, the Holocaust, Israel and Jewish historical contributions to civilizations are represented in the 2023 History and Social Science Standards of Learning
  • Review of textbooks and other resources used in teaching the history SOLs
  • Recognition and acknowledgment of Jewish holidays

After many years of relationship development, often through the efforts of the Jewish community, local school districts recognized that providing school days off for significant holidays within the Jewish, Muslim and Hindu communities was warranted to acknowledge the diversity within their school populations.

 – For the past few years Yom Kippur was noted as a school holiday in many districts. As the 2024-25 calendars are being developed, we have informed the divisions that, as Yom Kippur is on Shabbat that year, the Jewish community would appreciate Rosh Hashanah be given as a holiday that year.

      – Beginning with the 2024-25 calendar, Henrico County Public Schools will denote “Jewish High Holidays” and have ONE “roving” day off related to either Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. Most years will continue to have Yom Kippur as a holiday though in future years when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah will be the designated Jewish holiday.

      – We are currently following up on this request to amend the calendar with Chesterfield Count Public Schools and with Richmond Public Schools.

  • Developing solid relationships with school districts to monitor all areas of concern to our students including:

    Supporting students who feel as if their religious freedom is at stake within this public sphere

    Intervening with issues relating to bullying and antisemitism against Jewish students by students or staff

    Serving on district committees including Henrico County Public Schools Equity, Diversity, Advisory Committee (EDAC) to monitor decisions made about inclusive schools where all students feel as if they belong and hence, can succeed.

  – Participating in faith community consortiums and providing resources to various schools including Dignity Cares Bags from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.

  – Mentoring in schools across districts (since 1998) including Richmond Public Schools and Henrico County Public Schools including through faith community efforts such as the Micah Initiative.

  • Supporting educational opportunities for educators and students to inform and teach about Judaism, Jewish history and the Holocaust
  • Advocating before the General Assembly to enhance Holocaust Education within the schools resulting in a Holocaust Education Commission that informed the recent Standards of Learning.

If you are interested in learning more about this important outreach from the JCRC or to report concerning public school interactions, contact Basya Gartenstein at bgartenstein@jewishrichmond.org.