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VHM Updates


By Samuel Asher

On Sunday, April 23rd we held our 19th annual Yom HaShoah Commemoration at the Museum.

The program included hosting thirty 2nd and 3rd generation Survivors for a special reception held exclusively for them at 12:30 p.m. This program featured a presentation by Meredith R. Weisel, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). (see a separate article on the program with photographs by Adrienne Winkelmann Epstein)

At the main Commemoration program, more than 150 guests packed VHM’s Choral Synagogue Auditorium for the lightening of candles by six Holocaust Survivors joined by their family members, the awarding of the Carole Weinstein Prizes for Tolerance and Justice in the Visual Arts, a violin performance by Jocelyn Vorenberg, and a keynote address by Meredith R. Weisel, who shared insights regarding the alarming rise in antisemitic incidents in Virginia over the past year.

Our Yom HaShoah commemoration is one of our most anticipated programs each year, and we are grateful to everyone who attended and made this year a resounding success.

Coming up….

On May 15th  the Virginia Holocaust Museum, The Military Aviation Museum and the National D-Day and MacArthur Memorials will present “The Girls Who Stepped Out of Line: Teaching About Women Who Changed the Course of WWII.”

This is a free program for educators who will join author Major General Mari K. Eder who will share the courageous and overlooked stories of women from World War II, that she highlights in her book. Guests will also hear the untold stories of local women from Museum archives.

On May 7, the Museum will host a free program, Collective Journeys with the Elegba Folklore Society from 1-4 p.m. Initiatives of Change USA will partner with the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, the Baptist Ministers Conference and the Museum.

For details, visit https://us.iofc.org/news/may-events.

To learn more, please visit our website – or visit www.vaholocaust.org/events

Each day we step closer to completing the front entrance part of our renovation project. We are hoping to have it completed by June. Keep visiting our home page for updates: https://www.vaholocaust.org.