Home Federation If you see something, say something.

If you see something, say something.


Earlier this year, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, in partnership with Secure Community Network (SCN), debuted an online incident reporting form. SCN is the safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America.

This form can be used to report in-person assaults or threats; suspicious persons or activity; property damage or vandalism; threatening or suspicious phone calls, text messages, or social media; suspicious packages or letters; spam and phishing emails; antisemitic or threatening flyers; or other similar incidents of concern to the Jewish community. Reports may be made anonymously.

The information you provide will be submitted to your local Federation Security Director and the Secure Community Network Duty Desk. Credible threats are referred to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and Jewish facility leaders as needed.

To submit a report, please visit www.JewishRichmond.org/IncidentReporting.