Home Federation Dignity Grows hosted by JCFR making an impact

Dignity Grows hosted by JCFR making an impact


It was a truly heartwarming day in mid-June as members of the Junior League of Richmond joined forces with the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond for an incredible Dignity Grows packing party!

Earlier this year, the Federation was thrilled to receive an extraordinarily generous grant of $83,000 from the Junior League of Richmond. This partnership grant has played a pivotal role in supporting the launch of our own Dignity Grows chapter in Richmond!

The Junior League’s community focus of Women Helping Women beautifully complements the important work of Dignity Grows. Together, we are making a significant difference in the lives of under-resourced women, lifting them up and empowering them every step of the way.

We are incredibly grateful to the Junior League of Richmond for their unwavering support and the life-changing impact their grant has made possible.

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Federation Board member and participant in the event Sylvia Koblence Farbstein, noted, “It was such a wonderful collaboration and felt great to pack 400 bags! Amazing what happens when we put our hearts and hands together.”

Dignity Grows

The JCFR was the 47th Federation to launch a chapter of Dignity Grows – July 2022. Overall, the Federation has received over $130,000 in grants and private donations. In this process, this initiative locally has activated, educated, and inspired 112 volunteers who have giving over 450 hours of time, and delivered 2,025 personal hygiene tote bags to the community through our Distribution Partners.

Dignity Grows builds bridges across the community, assisting in the fight against antisemitism and all forms of hate, fostering relationships with other local social service agencies such as our chapter’s Distribution Partners. This model allows us to play a key role in broadening and strengthening our community’s social service safety net. 

Our Distribution Partners currently include the YMCA at Shady Grove, Safe Harbor, RC Longan Elementary School in Henrico County, Jewish Family Services, KBI Food Cooperative, and Bon Secours’ Violence Intervention Program.