Home Synagogues Beth-El Beth-El High Holiday Details

Beth-El High Holiday Details


By Damien Timms, Beth-El Executive Director

It is a busy time here with High Holy Days planning; the continued construction of Phase II of our “Building for the Next 90” renovation; registration for the upcoming year at our Brown Religious School; and, so much more.

5784 is on the horizon! This year, Temple Beth-El will be issuing guest tickets at no charge as we open our High Holy Day services to all.

As we continue to offer innovative and exciting engagement, we extend an open invitation to all members of the Richmond Jewish Community to experience our High Holy Days services in our newly renovated and beautifully historic Sanctuary.

Please contact Damien Timms – Executive Director, – to register for services at (804) 355-3564 or  tbe-exdir@bethelrichmond.org.

Guests must have a ticket to gain entry. While no charge will be required, a donation is encouraged.

For further details on our HHD schedule, please visit our HHD page at:


When is a brick a brick? When the new brick has to be matched to ninety-year old bricks!
TBE has been very fortunate to have Taylor and Parrish as their contractors managing the aspects of the Renovation.


Not only have they been an exceptional partner in helping us revitalize and preserve the historic nature of our Grove Building, but they even found bricks that are almost an exact match to the preexisting ones.

This will provide visual consistency to the new additions. With new bathrooms on the sanctuary level, a mobility drop-off at the rear of the building with a new elevator direct to Sanctuary level, and a new Atrium with secure entrances, we will provide ease of access to all in a secure and safe building.

If you have not seen the renovation of the main sanctuary, all are invited to our weekly Shabbat Services.  We would love to see you there.

Our Brown Religious School continues to go from strength to strength and we are delighted to have registrations open at this link:  <http://www.bethelrichmondorg/school>  for the upcoming school year.

As our website says: “What is the goal of Religious School Education? In short, we educate our young people in our texts and traditions to ensure a lively Jewish future for our people.

The V’ahavta commands us: V’shinan’tam L’vanekha, You shall teach them diligently to your children. It is not enough, however, to simply impart text and
tradition without meaning, context and connection to the world in which we live. A successful Jewish education must inspire, excite, challenge, and delight the hearts and minds of our students. It must be relevant and authentic. We strive to make Judaism the lens through which each student can navigate through life and grow to be an engaged Jewish adult

Our enthusiastic and experienced Religious School Teachers and Tutors, under the guidance and support of our Director of Youth Learning – Ramona Brand, deliver a well-rounded Jewish Educational Experience to all of our students.

Should you have any questions about our Brown Religious School, please reach
out to Ramona at r.brand@bethelrichmond.org.  She would love to hear from you!

If you are interested in visiting Temple Beth-El and experiencing
our warm welcome, please do not hesitate to reach out to Damien Timms at 804
355 3564, to discuss membership options, or, being a guest at our Shabbat