Home Synagogues Beth-El Beth-El Religious School Happenings

Beth-El Religious School Happenings

Students, parents, and teachers enjoyed a lively Hannukah party at Religious School on Dec. 10th with Menorah lighting, candle blessings, favorite songs and dancing and more.

By Ramona L. Brand, Director of Youth Learning

Beth-El’s Religious School’s B’nai Mitzvah experience is a Family Affair

Becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is one of the most exciting and challenging moments in a young Jewish person’s life.

Guiding our students toward this important milestone in their Jewish education and life experience is one primary responsibility of our synagogue and religious school. Religious school educators, clergy and lay leaders help families navigate the path toward their child’s big day.

With our B’nai Mitzvah students and their families we create a personal experience; grounded in tradition and also reflective of individual family vision.

The B’nai Mitzvah experience at TBE involves the entire family over a two-year period.

From the first B’nai Mitzvah family meeting, at the end of 5th grade, with abundant questions kick off the process, to that proud moment when each B’nai Mitzvah is called to the Torah, we keep the family at the center of the preparation.

In addition to the student’s study of Torah, prayers and ritual, families can join a B’nai Mitzvah Havarah. They can attend services as part of the congregational community, and they attend monthly 6th Grade Family Learning classes on Sunday mornings to learn together with the clergy.

In January, a new B’nai Bagels and Banter Brunch will take place for 6th and 7th grade parents. After dropping kids off, B’nai Mitzvah parents can meet over bagels and coffee to shmooze, trade stories, advice, questions with fellow cohort parents.

They also can speak with the Rabbi, Ramona Brand, Temple President, and B’nai Mitzvah coordinator in an informal setting.

We believe planning for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah should be joyous, and meaningful. This year’s B’nai Mitzvah class has already seen one wonderful Simcha and we look forward to many more.

Letters from Brno, Community Screening,

Date: Saturday, January 27

Location: Virginia Holocaust Museum, 2000 E Cary St, Richmond.

Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Free with Registration: https://www.vaholocaust.org/letters_from_brno/

Temple Beth-El, in partnership with the Virginia Holocaust Museum, invite the community to a screening of Letters From Brno, an award winning documentary, which tells a powerful personal story of parental love and sacrifice during the Holocaust. In a 45-year search for clues to her mother’s past, daughter, Karen Kruger uncovers the tragic fate of her grandparents through their letters written during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia. Join us for the screening and Q&A with the film’s writer and producer Karen Kruger.

In addition to the community screening TBE’s Holocaust study students and the Better Together Teens and Seniors will have a private dessert reception with Karen Kruger.

On Jan. 28th, teachers from Richmond’s Jewish educational institutions are invited to a Professional Development Workshop with Ms. Kruger and  teachers are invited to attend a screening and workshop on January 29th.

We are honored to bring this award-winning documentary and film director to Richmond. This program is made possible by the generous support of Richmond Jewish Foundation and  Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.



January Religious School


Wednesdays: Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31

Sundays: Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28

Virtual Hebrew: Mondays: 8, 22, 29

Virtual Hebrew: Thursdays: 11, 18, 25

Pre-K: January 14/28 at 9 a.m.

Teen Program: January 14 & 28, 10 a.m.

Better Together program: Jan. 27

January registration for the winter/spring semester opens:

Twice monthly Pre-School classes available for children ages 3 and 4 and Teens Grades 8-10; Kindergarten – Grade 7 meet every Sunday; Grades 3-7- Midweek classes on Wednesday

To register or for more information https://www.bethelrichmond.org/school

For any questions about Religious School, Young Family, Teen, and Better Together Programs Contact Ramona Brand, r.brand@bethelrichmond.org

More photos from Hanukkah Celebration: