Home Synagogues Or Atid Or Atid Pre-Hanukkah Havdalah and Awakening – Our Creative Selves

Or Atid Pre-Hanukkah Havdalah and Awakening – Our Creative Selves


On Saturday, Dec. 2nd, Congregation Or Atid held a pre-Hanukkah themed Havdalah service led by congregant, Frankie Snyder (above).

The inspirational service was followed by a guided drawing lesson led by congregant, Aaron Edelson.

Aaron who spent a decade as a production designer in Hollywood, is an art exhibitor, art teacher, as well as a landscape architect.


Creative juices flowed as Aaron guided congregants to connect with themselves in a creative, Show Us What You Got, exercise.

Congregants painted and drew expressions of who they are.


For some of the congregants, this program evoked memories of their inner childhood and some of the participants surprised themselves by what they created.



Most importantly, the meaningful Havdalah service and creative juices raised people’s spirits.

The evening concluded with a delicious wine and cheese buffet which was a perfect ending to a wonderful program.