Home Community Two local leaders attend national Hadassah gathering in Florida

Two local leaders attend national Hadassah gathering in Florida

Hadassah leaders and past presidents of the Southern Seaboard Region (from left) - Sharon Goretsky, Aliza Bricklin, Ann Eisenberg (Richmond), Gail Moskowitz (Richmond) and Debbie Friedman (formerly from Richmond).

Two hundred Hadassah leaders from across the country came together in West Palm Beach, Florida, in January to learn, collaborate and discuss Hadassah’s projects, priorities and the incredible impact Hadassah is having since October 7.

In attendance were local Hadassah leaders and past presidents of the Southern Seaboard Region from Richmond – Ann Eisenberg, Gail Moskowitz and Debbie Friedman (formerly from Richmond).

“We must answer all the challenges we face — hate included — with action,” Hadassah National President Carol Ann Schwartz said.

“We have to respond by organizing, building coalitions, building a nation, building ourselves. We have to respond by standing up, speaking out and showing up, even when our senses are overwhelmed. Fortunately, these are all things that Hadassah does well.”

At the meetings, Hadassah Medical Organization leaders and staff provided updates from Hadassah’s hospitals in Israel, and participants of Hadassah’s recent Solidarity Mission to Israel shared moving testimonies of what it was like to bear witness to the atrocities of October 7.