Home Synagogues Keneseth Beth Israel KBI Happenings

KBI Happenings


By Chava Maimon

The months of February and March at Keneseth Beth Israel (KBI) have been full of varied activities!

In early February, the Gold Kiddush honored the many women who–in the past and/or currently–have volunteered their time to ensure that the vital service of mikvah is available to the greater Jewish community. As part of this event, the KBI Tish Marmorstein Mikvah presented a workshop entitled Dignity from the Inside Out on Sunday, Feb. 4, at the home of Arielle Sherman.

Bracha Poliakoff, who resided in Richmond with her family in prior years and is the author of Reclaiming Dignity: A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women, spoke to close to 50 attendees of various affiliations and backgrounds. Visit https://www.amazon.com/Reclaiming-Dignity-guide-Tzniut-Women/dp/1957579463

In mid-February, a new class for women entitled Insights and Inspiration kicked off on a Monday evening. Led by Mrs. Leah Skaist in the KBI Center, the weekly class focuses on making prayer more meaningful.

For the Shabbat of Feb. 16-17, KBI hosted a special scholar-in-residence from Israel – Rabbi Chaim Eisen. To kick off Shabbat, Rabbi Eisen led melodious Friday night prayers.

He then spoke on enlightening Jewish philosophy topics throughout Shabbat day—after services Shabbat morning, prior to the Mincha service in the afternoon, and also during Seudat Shelishit (the third meal).

The weekend concluded with learning and Gelati Celesti treats in the KBI Center after Shabbat ended.

KBI is the regional partner in Greater Richmond for Momentum Unlimited with more than 60 alumni from all denominations and backgrounds around the local area.

In light of the untimely passing of Momentum alumna and friend, Jill Parker z”l (of blessed memory), Momentum Mincha Mondays was born and kicked off in mid-February. Taking place during Monday afternoon services at KBI and led by Rabbi Dovid Asher, this unique weekly opportunity taps into the power of communal prayer as well as spiritual introspection and reflection. This special service also includes a brief explanation, informational guides, and psalms for Israel.

The next day, on Feb. 20, Rabbi Asher was the featured speaker at the Orthodox Union’s daily tehillim (psalms) & chizuk (strengthening) call that held special prayers for Israel.

The Shine program, a Bat Mitzvah Club finishing up its third year at the time of this writing, is for girls ages 11-13 and led by Aliza Asher.

Scheduled to run through Mid-March, it was filled with discussions on a variety of topics like self-expression, prayer, leadership, chessed (kindness), communication, and many others.

At the end of February, KBI hosted a class entitled Jewish Medical Ethics & End-of-Life Care. Held on Zoom and led by Rabbi Dr. David Shabtai with facilitation by Rabbi Asher, approximately 60 people attended the engaging session that included discussion and a Q&A of many relevant issues.


In early March, the JLEAP* program held its Purim Carnival at the Weinstein JCC that included balloon art, face painting, prizes, and more! Many thanks to Judy Lessin, Chaviva David, Miri David, Nancy Winston, and the Shaarei Torah girls. (See photos)

Later that same evening, Ilana Gimpelevich led a textual study at KBI entitled Are Bystanders Innocent after participating in an 8-month Respect and Responsibility Educators’ cohort** that explored how to build safer, more respectful, and more equitable Jewish communites.

At the time of this writing, KBI is continuing to prepare for its Purim Mask-erade event scheduled to take place on Purim day, March 24. Planned highlights include a costume contest, mask decorating, Chinese buffet, and more!

As always, the entire Richmond Jewish community is invited to attend KBI’s free monthly gourmet Gold Kiddush after Shabbat day services (approximately 10:45 a.m.). Come eat, talk, and enjoy! A huge shout-out to caterer Amy Beth Lehman. To learn of upcoming Gold Kiddush dates, please contact the KBI office at 804-288-7953.

KBI is encouraging Richmond City residents to attend City Council sessions and hold signs of support for Israel. Hamas supporters have been attending in large numbers.

Upcoming council meetings are scheduled for April 8 and 22 at Richmond City Hall, 2nd Floor: 900 E. Broad Street.

Arrive by 5:30 p.m. to secure seating on the right side of the auditorium (right side facing council). A sign up sheet is available. Visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49ADA922A6FFC07-48230603-city#/

KBI is also continuing to encourage community members to contact elected officials to push for the support of Israel, including efforts to help secure the release of Israeli hostages.

This includes Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who grew up in the Richmond community before making aliyah (moving to Israel) with his family. Hersh’s parents have directly requested that the community contact elected officials to push for the release of all hostages.

May peace within Israel be swiftly secured.

*Jewish Learning Enrichment and Play–a partnership with KBI, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, Weinstein JCC, Rudlin Torah Academy, Jewish Student Union, and PJ Library

** Hosted by Sacred Spaces with the support of The Covenant Foundation.