In February’s Reflector, Congregation Or Ami announced having paid off our mortgage. We had pledged to put any leftover funds donated for the mortgage toward replacing the carpet and painting our sanctuary. We were fortunate to get a great head start on this due to the generosity of so many.

With our starter funds, we decided to go forward and solicit bids for paint and carpet. After announcing our solicitation for proposals to the congregation, several members made significant pledges toward funding this initiative.
As the news spread in our Or Ami community, additional donations began arriving from other members and friends of Or Ami. Very soon we had all we needed to pay for the new carpeting and repainting, and now we are Kvelling!
Not only is our mortgage eliminated, but the interior of Or Ami’s sanctuary is fresh and beautiful.
In-Person Services
What an excellent way to welcome members when Or Ami resumes in-person services and events. Current plans are for this to happen on Friday, June 25.
Our services will be open to all and we will continue to live stream and offer other virtual alternatives to anyone wishing to attend services, masked for the unvaccinated and optional masks for the vaccinated.

We are enormously grateful to Or Ami’s members and friends for their generosity and making it possible to complete these initiatives.
In addition to all these blessings, we also have a “new to Or Ami” lectern and Torah Table donated from the American Hebrew Academy in Greensboro, N.C., where Rabbi Zaches went to high school.
Yard Sale: Aug. 29
Or Ami’s biennial yard sale has changed its date to Sunday, August 29. We continue to welcome your collectibles, books, old toys, games, electronics, bikes, clothes, CDs and DVDs, etc. You may drop items off at Or Ami at your convenience. We will ensure everything is safely stowed away for the yard sale.
Book Club Schedule
Our virtual Book Club schedule is as follows:
- July – No meeting
- Aug. 2, “Friday the Rabbi Slept Late” by Harry Kemelman
- September – No Meeting
- Oct. 4, “The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness” by Simon Wiesenthal
- Nov. 1, “Three Floors Up” by Eshkol Nevo
- Dec. 6, “Black Wave: Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Forty-Year Rivalry that Unraveled Culture, Religion, and Collective Memory in the Middle East” by Kim Ghattis
Please join our lively and fun meetings. You may contact for further information and/or links to these or any other events.
The Wandering Jews continue to circumnavigate Maymont Park on Sundays. We meet at the zoo entrance at 1 p.m., and all are welcome.
Shabbat Services
Our non-virtual and in-person Shabbat Services will be held Friday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30. Onegs will be held on the patio, weather permitting, with only individual, pre-packaged items being served.
Virtual Torah Study was scheduled to resume when Rabbi Ahuva returned from vacation on Saturday, June 19, from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. For future dates, contact the Rabbi.
For more information on any of our programs or to obtain links to Zoom events, please contact our office at (804) 272-0017 or
Would you like to know more? Contact us at or check us out at You can follow us on Facebook or catch us on Twitter. All inquiries are always welcome.
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