Rachel Peters has joined the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond as director of Community Engagement.
CEO Daniel Staffenberg said, “We are excited to welcome Rachel Peters to our Jewish Federation professional team. Rachel will be leading a new vision of engagement for the Richmond Jewish community. Rachel will lead an effort to develop a more collaborative, coordinated, and community-centered engagement approach where all Jews, their families, and friends lead a more connected, meaningful, purpose-filled Jewish life.”
Strong Connections
Previously a Weinstein JCC Pre-School teacher for 11 years, she will serve as lead professional for Honeymoon Israel, Community Leadership Institute, Young Adult and Family programming, PJ Library, Pearl Society and National Young leadership Cabinet.
Born and raised in Richmond, she notes that she has always had strong connections to the JCC and our Jewish Community. From participating as a preschooler, volunteer, camper, camp counselor to teacher, this foundation has served her well in many endeavors here.
In addition, she was selected as a Sisisky Fellow in 2019 as part of the Susan and Mark Sisisky JDC Global Enrichment Fund. As a part of this initiative, she took part in a service and educational “Inside Jewish Ukraine” trip from May 18-26, 2019, with six other Fellows from Richmond.
Unique Community Visited
During this trip, she witnessed a unique community that has been revitalized through family engagement, civic stewardship and outreach. There is a vibrant connectedness that meets the needs of each member of their community, from child – to youth — to adult to the elderly. In response to what she learned in Ukraine, Rachel understood our legacy depends on a strong community network with active participation, which led her to develop Family Club in Richmond for the Weinstein JCC’s Early Childhood Department. Her goal is to expand this initiative, engage with others, and cultivate meaningful programming opportunities that connect an individual’s personal values with the Federation’s mission as well as our community at large.
To reach her, email: rpeters@jewishrichmond.org
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