Jewish Life at the University of Richmond Welcomes Class of 2025
Jewish Life at the University of Richmond welcomed its newest Spiders to campus during a Pre-Orientation Dessert Reception on Tuesday, Aug. 17.
This was the eighth annual reception for new students and their families to learn about Jewish Life at Richmond, receive a preview of the Hillel’s upcoming programming, and create a sense of community among the incoming class.
The unique program has always provided first-year students the chance to meet members of the Hillel Student Board and Chaplaincy staff, but this years’ experience brought a new level of excitement as students and their families were able to gather in person again.
More Opportunities
Like much of the 2020-2021 Hillel programs, the 2020 reception was held virtually. Now, as the University of Richmond cautiously proceeds with more in person events, Jewish Life at UR is excited to provide more opportunities for students to build community, celebrate, and learn together.
Even during the 2020-2021 academic year, Jewish Life at Richmond engaged a large percentage of Jewish students by finding new ways to gather for Shabbat, empowering students to gather in small groups, and launching the Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) on campus – a10-week long cohort experience centered around a conversational seminar for students looking to deepen their understanding of Judaism on their own terms.
As with the broader Richmond Jewish community, UR also experimented with new holiday celebrations: working with Hillel International to offer “Higher Holiday” services, working with University events to create engaging hybrid solutions, and partnering with Dining Services on campus to create individual meals for students – including Kosher for Passover options and personalized Seder plates for two Zoom Seders.
Jewish Learning Fellowship
Though the fall semester begins amidst much uncertainty, Jewish Life at Richmond looks to build on last year’s successes as they welcome the largest group of incoming Jewish Students on record. The Hillel student group is delighted to resume more regular programming, and this year’s Jewish Learning Fellowship will offer the new JLF Israel: Home & Homeland curriculum for students to “explore the diaspora relationship to Israel, looking to classical, Rabbinic, and modern Jewish wisdom to engage a contemporary understanding of peoplehood, responsibility, home, and homeland.”
For more information about Jewish Life at the University of Richmond, please contact Josh Jeffreys, Jewish Chaplain and Director of Religious Life, at