Home Federation Contributions to JCFR

Contributions to JCFR


The following are some ways to make contributions to JCFR.

To donate your publicly traded stock: The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond maintains a brokerage account with Truist (Scott & Stringfellow), Acct #WA7074614, DTC #0226.

You may call your broker to advise you if you want to donate stock and provide this information or you may call our broker directly at (804) 782.8843. Your pledge account will be credited with the gift value received by JCFR. To ensure proper handling, please inform JCFR of a pending stock transfer by notifying Ron Bergman at (804) 545.8618 or at rbergman@jewishrichmond.org

To donate by credit card: Call Ron Bergman at (804) 545.8618 to make credit card arrangements or go to www.jewishrichmond.org and click “Donate Today” to make a contribution online. We are able to process VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and AMEX payments in a single transaction or in regular monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments.

If this method is chosen, please consider using your VISA, MasterCard, or Discover as the fees charged for these brands are less costly than AMEX and we would like for as much of your donation to be returned to the community as possible.

To donate by check: Send your check, payable to Jewish Community Federation of Richmond (JCFR), to P.O. Box 17128, Richmond, VA 23226. Please include your account number on your check and return the top portion of your statement to ensure the proper handling of your payment.Annual Receipts: Annual receipts are issued by JCFR for all payments per IRS regulations.

Your receipt for calendar year 2022 will be issued by January 31, 2023. IRS regulations require that you have this receipt before you file your 2022 tax return. Donate now to ensure the transaction occurs before the December 31, 2022, deadline. Charitable deductions are restricted by IRS regulations. Consult with your tax advisor regarding the exact laws applicable.