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Or Atid Happenings

Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner

Or Atid welcomes new  Rabbi, Sherry Grinsteiner

By Amy Unger

We are so very excited to welcome Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner and her husband, Leo, to the Congregation Or Atid family and to the Richmond Jewish Community, at large on July 1.

“Rabbi Sherry” is a Sabra, born and raised in Israel, and has an extensive background in Jewish education and leadership. She has worked in various Synagogues and Jewish institutions around the U.S, most recently as a Rabbi and Director of Lifelong Learning at the Hebrew Educational Alliance in Denver.

Rabbi Sherry brings to the congregation and larger Jewish community a commitment to and love for Judaism, Jewish life, spirituality, and learning.  Rabbi Sherry exudes enthusiasm for the richness of Judaism and Judaic culture.

We are looking forward to the passion and creativity she will infuse into our services, education, and programs.

The greater Richmond Community is welcome to attend services with Rabbi Sherry. In-person services are currently being held as well as by Zoom. Friday night Shabbat services begin at 7 p.m. and Saturday Shabbat Services begin at 10 a.m. (Zoom link available 15 minutes prior to services).

For more information about Shabbat services (including the applicable link to attend by Zoom): visit:

https://www.oratid.org/, contact the Synagogue office at (804) 740-4747, or send an email to office@oratid.org.

Congregation Or Atid is located at 10625 Patterson Avenue in Henrico.

Shabbarbeque in honor of Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner

While Rabbi Sherry officially joins Congregation Or Atid on July 1, we are having a “Shabbarbeque” (dinner) to welcome her to the community on Friday, July 15, at 6:15 p.m., followed by Shabbat services at 7:30 p.m.

Non-members (including children) are welcome to attend this informal gathering to meet Rabbi Sherry and enjoy a cookout, make new friends, and join in a spiritual evening.

If you would like to attend, please visit the COA website at https://www.oratid.org/ where you will find a link to RSVP for this event.  The link will include the dinner menu (with a vegetarian option). There is no cost, but donations to are greatly appreciated.

Farewell to Rabbi Hal

Rabbi Hal Schevitz (“Rabbi Hal”) has served as the Rabbi for the Congregation for the past six years. We are so grateful for Rabbi Hal’s spiritual leadership, his many contributions to COA, as well as to our Jewish and secular Richmond Community.

We are especially appreciative of his spiritual engagement with our congregants during the intermittent transitions to on-line services/learning.

We congratulate Rabbi Hal on his new Rabbinical appointment at Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, in Indianapolis, where he previously served as an Assistant Rabbi.  Wishing Rabbi Hal, Jena, and his family abundant nachas in their next chapter.

Gan Chesed’s First Harvest

(From left) Charlotte Johnson and Sue Geller harvest lettuce kale in May.

How exciting it is to begin to see the results of the initial plantings from the Gan Chesed Kindness Garden.  In mid-May Congregation Or Atid proudly announced that the first crops of vegetables from the garden had ripened and were ready for harvest.  Lettuce, kale, radishes, and herbs were picked (pictures below) and given to the JCC Elmer Toth Food Pantry to distribute.

Even though the food pantry receives regular donations from Trader Joe’s and Publix, Shari Menlowe-Barck, coordinator of the Food Pantry, is so grateful for the organically grown produce and appreciates Or Atid’s effort to help those in need.

The feedback we received from our first donation was that the recipients really enjoyed everything, including all the fresh vegetables and herbs.  A lot of excitement is generated as soon as people hear there is fresh produce from a local garden.

First harvest from Or Atid Gan Chesed Kindness Garden and donation to Weinstin JCC Food Pantry in May.

The picked produce was weighed, and a log was started so there would be a tracking of how much is being donated of each type of produce.  This will be helpful data for tracking the progress of food donations going forward.

Many visitors have already come to the Gan Chesed garden and have been impressed by what they have seen and have been inspired by the kindness that Gan Chesed is generating.  In the near future, as more produce ripens, Congregation Or Atid will tap into the Gardenkeeper volunteers to help water, pick and package the produce.

If you would like more information and wish to become more involved with the Gan Chesed project, please contact Sue Geller at (804)740-6545 susanrgeller@gmail.com.

2022 Religious School Recap

The Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School had an amazing year.

We wrapped up the year with an icecream social and paper plate awards.  This year could not have been possible without our amazing teachers, Jennifer Mollen, Leah Skasit, and Hayden Ashman.  We also want to recognize Missy Bunce for her years of dedication to our school as our Youth Education Chairperson as well as our parents who have been so involved in the education of our children.

For more information about the school, including registration and the class schedule, please visit https://www.oratid.org/school and/or contact Lynn Landesman at lynna5450@gmail.com.