While most of Or Ami’s High Holy Day Services are held at the JCC (and were lovely this year as always), we had our family-friendly Rosh Hashana service at Or Ami.
Rabbi Ahuva led both family-friendly services and blew the Shofar to the delight of our children. For Rosh Hashana, facilitated by our religious school teachers, the youngsters decorated cupcakes in fall colors and made paper Shofars, then went to the lake next to Or Ami for the Tashlich Service.
Instead of breadcrumbs, we used bird-seed, certain to be appreciated by the ducks who live there.
Our family-friendly Yom Kippur Service was held in the Sisisky Room at the JCC, and after the service, children painted Tzedakah boxes to take home with them. We needed extra chairs for both services! Our community is growing and Or Amians love watching our children mature.
Or Ami’s Religious School continues to be open for enrollment. The link to the registration page is https://or-ami.com/registration/. This year’s curricular theme is Torah Stories.
Friday, Oct. 14th, was a beautiful night to enjoy a potluck supper in the Sukkah. Forty-plus members of all ages brought food to share and enjoyed dining with old and new friends in the Or Ami Sukkah, which was constructed the week before by David Kane and other helping hands.
At the start of the service that followed the potluck, Rabbi Ahuva invited anyone interested to come up and shake the lulav and the etrog. Her sermon told the story of a young boy who discovered the true meaning of having the biggest and best lulav and etrog. The service concluded by singing “Under the Sukkah,” to the tune of “Under the Boardwalk.”
Or Ami and the Islamic Center of Virginia came together for an interfaith day of community service on Oct. 16th.
Mitzvah/Hasanat Day began at Or Ami with a short talk about the importance in both faith traditions of helping the vulnerable and repairing the world. Activities were planned for all ages. They included sandwich making for those experiencing homelessness, clearing an overgrown historic African American cemetery, assembling literacy bags for refugees, flower planting for seniors, writing cheering messages, and doing some TLC for the building and grounds.
We concluded with ice cream at the Islamic Center. Much was accomplished, and new friendships were forged on this beautiful fall morning.
Have I got a Brisket for You
On Sunday, Nov. 6th, Or Ami sponsors our “Risk it for the Brisket” event. Come for lunch and stay to see which brisket wins! Adults and children are welcome. Lunch will include brisket from our competitors, two sides, and a drink. How do we decide on a winner?
Here’s how: we’ll have donation bowls at each brisket competitor’s table. Whoever raises the most wins! Affordable! $12 for adults and $5 for kids for tickets purchased by the 5th.
To register, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/1ClCXrry51OZ5vlhx-PCd40_2ilts2pasouGyeFuadHU/viewform?edit_requested=true
Or Ami Book Club – On Monday, Nov. 7th, from 7-8 p.m., we will meet virtually and discuss “People Love Dead Jews” by Dara Horn. We enjoy newcomers and opinions! Contact the office@or-ami.com for a zoom link.
Or Ami Crafters – Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 7-8 p.m. Come and show off your stuff (virtually, that is)! Contact the office@or-ami.com for a zoom link.
Looking forward, on Sunday, Dec. 4th, is the opening program for a series on gender diversity and Judaism. Rabbi Nikki DeBlosi and non-binary actor Bonz Swencionis will speak about gender diversity in the Talmud and Jewish community today. The event will take place over Zoom from 4-5 p.m. and include time for questions. We encourage everyone from the Jewish community to come and learn.
Sunday, Dec. 12th, the Religious Schools of Or Ami and Or Atid will have a combined Chanukah party between 10 a.m. and noon.
This is the second of our joint programs this school year, following a Sukkot community/harvest-themed event in October, which was held at Or Atid.
Chanukah Shabbat Service
On Friday, Dec. 23rd, will be Or Ami’s Chanukah Shabbat Service. Bring your Menorah and seven candles to light together in Or Ami’s big sanctuary windows for a memorable event.
Regular Shabbat Services are held in-person and online Friday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30. Torah Study is held virtually most Saturdays, from 11 a.m. until 12:30 pm. Contact our office for a link if you wish to attend.
For more information on any of our programs or to obtain links to zoom events, please get in touch with our office at (804) 272-0017 or office@or-ami.com.
Would you like to know more? Contact us at Belong@Or-Ami.com or check us out at www.Or-Ami.com. You can follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/OrAmi-Richmond, or catch us on Twitter@oramirichmond. All inquiries are always welcome.