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Beth-El School Happenings


By Ramona L. Brand, Director of Youth Learning

Teens in the Kitchen, Teens in the Classroom

Teens, teens, everywhere!

Our post B’nai Mitzvah program has launched with enthusiasm this year with a bumper crop of teens.

Under the direction of teacher Ben Nachman, our teen elective program started deliciously! The elective series began with the class “Getting a Taste of Jewish History.” Beginning with texts and references to food in the Torah students learned about key time periods in Jewish history while cooking and sampling different foods.

They also learned how Jewish food culture was influence by geography and migration. Mizrachi, Sephardi and Ashkenazi foods were examined (and tasted) as students found correlations in holiday and Shabbat foods, despite culinary differences.

Lastly, teens digested facts about making modern ecological-food choices and how our Jewish values can influence the way we shop and eat. Electives coming later in the year include, Pop Torah, Jewish Innovators and Inventors, Jewish Philosophy and Jewish Music Exploratory.

In addition to learning, cooking and eating, teens are also serving as Madrichim in our classrooms. On both Sundays and Wednesdays, you can find our dedicated teenagers reading stories, helping with crafts, giving Hebrew assessments, singing songs and assisting teachers with lessons.

Working as a Madrich or Madricha empowers our students to be Jewish leaders and serve as role models and mentors to younger students. It’s a win-win all the way around!

 November Religious School Calendar

Sundays: Nov. 6, 13, 20

Wednesdays: Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30

Pre-K meets: Nov. 6 & 20

Chaverim Katanim: Nov. 20

6th Grade Family Learning: Nov. 20

Temple Beth-El Tot Shabbat Services: Saturday, Nov. 5

For families with children from birth -5 years old; Open to the entire community

Families can enjoy a Shabbat service geared for young children and filled with music, stories, move-ment and more. A musical, meaningful service designed for wiggles. Meet at 10 a.m. on the back lawn of the VMFA (Grove Ave. side). Bring a blanket or chairs and dress for the weather.  An indoor space will be provided in the event of rain.

Temple Beth-El Religious School employs the best practices in Jewish Education! – to raise the curiosity and literacy of our students, teachers, and families.

Contact Ramona at (804) 355-3564 ext. 111 or r.brand@bethelrichmond.org  to learn more about our vibrant Jewish education and our remarkable congregation or visit http://www.bethelrichmond.org/education/brown-religious-school/  to find a registration form.

In the photos above and below, are some Beth-El teens.