Home Synagogues Beth Ahabah What’s Happening at Beth Ahabah

What’s Happening at Beth Ahabah


Religious School

Sunday morning classes are in full swing, and students are enjoying lively discussions about weekly Torah portions, Jewish values, and Hebrew lessons.

One of their focuses this year is the Jewish calendar—the number of days in each month, how each month corresponds with the lunar cycle, and how the lunar calendar “leaps” every few years to stay in synch with the solar calendar.

The curriculum also highlights the Jewish holidays in each month. The Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives is providing supplementary materials for the students, displaying holiday-related items in the collection that correspond to each month.

The curriculum began with the study of Tishrei, a month packed with holidays. The Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives treated students to displays that included a beautiful etrog box, miniature Torahs, and a Shofar.  Among the objects displayed was a list of signatures—soldiers who attended a Rosh Hashanah service in France’s Ardonnes Forest in 1918. See the 1918 list at bottom of this article

Courtesy of Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives.

Beth Ahabah member Leroy Hutzler Jr., (pictured) the only Jewish officer in his regiment, conducted the service for approximately 40 men; later he recalled that it was the first and last service that he ever led! He explained that the regiment’s chaplain, a Catholic priest, arranged for the service to be held in the town hall near the forest. In order to get there, soldiers had to walk singly or in pairs in order to avoid notice of the Germans flying overhead.

Looking Ahead

Join us in November for a Broadway-themed concert featuring singers from the Beth Ahabah Choir! Hors d’oeuvres will be served before the show. Tickets are available for purchase online, and free parking will be available in the deck across from Beth Ahabah’s entrance. Please see the accompanying ad for further details.

Mark your calendars for Jan. 13 and 14, 2023! Congregation Beth Ahabah is hosting a Shabbaton featuring acclaimed singers and songwriters Elana Jagoda and Saul Kaye!

You are invited to join our musicians-in-residence for a special Friday Shabbat service and a Saturday Havdalah concert. More information will be coming soon!

For more information about Beth Ahabah, visit www.bethahabah.org. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CongregationBethAhabah.

See the 1918 List from Beth Ahabah Museum & Archives