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Or Atid Happenings


By Ron Fink

Or Atid New Member Welcome

Congregation Or Atid flourishes into the new year with a full house.

Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner led a wonderful service filled with all ages where we were so glad to have Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom and welcome in our newest members.

Or Atid has so much to offer but we couldn’t exist without our heartfelt members. One of the special parts of the service was to take the time to recognize and welcome our newest members.

The new members were asked to come up front for the service and receive their welcome bag. This also allowed everyone a chance to recognize the new faces so we could give a warm welcome.

One of the many phrases at Or Atid is “Welcome as Friends and Leave as Family.”

After the service, everyone enjoyed a combination of ‘Sushi in the Sukkah’ and ‘Pizza in the Hut’ along with so many great salads and desserts made by Or Atid’s own volunteers who helped make the night such a success.

Or Atid is truly blessed to have such a great group of members working together to provide such a delicious meal.

If anyone is interested in learning more about Or Atid, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 804-740-4747or visit our website at www.oratid.org .

Rabbi Sherry is eager and full of energy to continue to learn more about the community here in Richmond. We know being Jewish can mean so many different things to so many different people, so please allow Or Atid the chance to be part of the journey together. We look forward to meeting you and are so excited learn and grow our community with all of our new members.

A New Beginning for the Families at Or Atid

Or Atid children, buzzing with excitement, were welcomed back to the first day of the Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School with balloons lining up to the sanctuary.

The excitement continued during the Welcome Assembly as Rabbi Sherry led a joyous and engaging Tefilah, and the students sang along with new and old melodies. Rabbi even brought her tambourine! At the end of Tefilah, the students started the year with their new teachers.

While the students were in class, the parents enjoyed coffee and donuts and discussed the growing partnership between the school and the community. Parents also attended an open house at their children classes and participated in a joint activity centering around Teshuvah and Rosh Hashanah.

After the closing assembly, the students rushed to the pergola in the Gan Chesed, the Kindness Garden, to enjoy popsicles. This garden has produced more than 80 pounds of food for the JCC Elmer Toth Food Pantry that is part of Feed More. The Garden also and has an inclusive sensory wall!

It was a great way to kick off the new school year.

On Friday, Sept. 9th, Rabbi Sherry led a wonderful Shabbat experience for young families.

The celebration, geared toward young children, was an excellent opportunity for families to make new friends and see old faces.

We sang Shabbat songs, prayers, and blessings, all in the backdrop of children smiling, giggling, and joining Rabbi Sherry while she spoke. Dinner featured laughter and conversation continued to fill the sanctuary throughout the evening.

Also, Machon had its first meeting at the home of the Samuels family. The kids and Rabbi Sherry did Havdallah, enjoyed an Italian-themed dinner, played games and made s’mores, while hanging by the fire pit.

All Machon events are open to 8th-12th graders.

Sukkot Services/Dinner and Pizza in the Hut

Adults and children (all ages) were welcomed to join Congregation Or Atid on Oct. 9th at 6 p.m. for Sukkot Festival Services followed by Pizza in the Sukkah.

This was an opportunity to visit the Sukkah at our synagogue while enjoying delicious pizza. We shook the Lulav and Etrog as we celebrated the Festival of Booths. The celebration was followed the next morning with Sukkot Festival services Or Atid’s New Pergola

A huge shout out and heartfelt thanks to our fearless congregants who assembled this beautiful pergola in our Gan Chesed Garden. You are the best – Barry Green, Daniel Elmakis, Harry Kirschbaum, Dan Miller, Ron Fink, and Norm Geller. See below

We so appreciate the grant funding from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond and private donors that made this possible. We look forward to holding synagogue and community events in our welcoming outdoor space.

See more photos from recent events.